Saturday, July 26, 2014

Quality Minute: 5S

​5S is a method of creating a clean and orderly work environment that makes waste and faults visible.
5S originated as a Just In Time manufacturing technique.  It can also be applied to knowledge oriented work such as in the software industry.  Google "5S"​​ to learn more.
The 5S's translate as follows:
  • Seiri;           Sort
  • Seiton;        Straighten, Simplify
  • Seiso;         Shine, Scrub
  • Seiketsu;     Standardize, stabilize
  • Shitsuke;     Sustain, self discipline

1 comment:

  1. Applying 5S to defect records and test cases yields excellent results. For example, defect backlogs are kept clean and current. This helps keep the backlog volume low reducing the risk of critical issues being missed. Well composed and managed defect records reduces the chance of a critical issue being misunderstood. Likewise for test cases. Well maintained test inventories can be run at any time with a reduction in over-testing due redundant, duplicate, or unnecessary tests.
