Sunday, November 2, 2014

Quality Minute: Kano Model

Kano Model Analysis is a quality technique to drive decisions on which products, features, or services to provide customers.  The technique was developed by Dr. Noriaki Kano in the 1980's.  A Kano model is two dimensional and measures three customer needs.

  1. Achievement
  2. Satisfaction

Customer needs:
  1. Expected, Basic Needs and expectations
  2. Normal, Satisfying Needs and expectations
  3. Excitement Needs, Customer Delight

Diagram example:

A key to Kano Model analysis is the assumption that customer needs are not static.  A product or feature that is exciting today will become a normal need tomorrow.  Customer satisfaction must be continually monitored.  Kano Model analysis can help organizations keep changing customer needs prominent in the mind of the organization.  Customer need is a driver in the product prioritization decision and planning process helping the organization deliver competitive and compelling products to customers.

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