Friday, August 22, 2014

Quality Minute: Poka-yoke

Poka-yoke (POH-kah YOH-kay) is a Japanese term for a mistake proofing device (poka=mistake, yoke=prevent).​  It was devised by Shigeo Shingo in 1961 and is an enduring and simple concept. ​​  A poka-yoke device can be for prevention or detection.  What are some ways that poka-yoke can be applied in what we do?  Share your ideas.
Characteristics of a good poka-yoke device:
  • simple and cheap
  • part of the process
  • placed close to the work to provide quick feedback​​
This is the story of the first poka-yoke device:
  • ​Problem: springs were missing from switches.
  • Old procedure: a worker takes two springs out of a box and assembles a switch.
  • New procedure: a small dish is placed in front of the parts box.  The worker takes​ two springs out of the box and puts them in the dish. The worker assembles the switch. If a spring remains in the dish, the worker knows the assembly is missing a spring.
  • Outcome: the new procedure completely eliminated the problem of the missing springs.​

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